It seems no sooner did the holidays come around that they're gone again. I blame moving in December, and the snow coming late. And now it's the last day of 2012. What a year.
Christmas time I always look forward to. There's a kind of warmth to the season even though it's winter that you can only feel in this time of the year. Seeing all the houses decorated with Christmas lights and decorations - there's honestly nothing more fun than living in or near a neighbourhood where a majority of houses are decked out with lights. I wonder how many nights I can go walking around and enjoy it before they all get taken down. This was also the time of year when I got to see most of my relatives, especially those who I didn't see any other time of the year. Those were always such great times and memories. Sometimes I look back and miss them but not with any kind of regret that they're over. I'm happy that they're there for me to look back on, now that the family's grown on and apart.
Now with year's end here my focus is on the new year ahead. This year there are no resolutions for me, I'm not going for that perspective. There are plans and goals to be sure, I plan on being very busy in the new year. Instead I'm starting my year with something that's been floating around Facebook. An empty jar, which you fill throughout the year with notes about good things that have happened throughout the year and at the end you open it and look back on the great year you have. I like the idea in being open to whatever good comes your way and not just what you plan to accomplish in the year. After all:
The road to success is a journey; it twists and turns, sometimes things are unexpected. It may not be the path you expect, but if your eyes are always down on the road you'll miss all the unexpected blessings that tend to come along.
Today I'll be doing some prep and planning while I continue to try and heal this back. I strained it badly last week and it's been pain central ever since, though I've made sure to keep any length of bed rest to a very bare minimum. The pain at least has started to subside and the more I do the quicker the swelling goes down, so hopefully a week? Or two? My New Year's Eve will be pretty quiet, just my mom and I. Some of my friends will be ringing in the year playing video games, I'll likely follow suit. I got Diablo III and a World of Warcraft time card for Christmas as well as a brand spanking new laptop all my own, but that can wait for another entry. Because I can ramble on about those all day long!
Enjoy your New Year's (safely!), and here's to a brilliant 2013!
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